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How to Face Disabled Person

How to Face Disabled Person

Nonstop MOOC on methods and technologies for accessibility
Only 63 seats left!

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This course is part of the larger module "Methods and technologies for accessibility and their evaluation" which consists of over 25 modules (1 ECT each). If you want to become an expert at creating digitally accessible services, make sure to check them out.

The Team

Pauliina Baltzar
37 learners
Study format
Application period
6 August 2023 – 1 December 2024
Study period
6 August 2023 – 31 December 2024
Hosting university
Tampere University
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Learning Outcome 1

The student will have a holistic understanding of disabled people and their participation.


Learning Outcome 2

Have competences to see the diversity of disabilities and participation solutions that exist in everyday life.


Learning Outcome 3

Understand how available options may also define self-actions and how to strengthen it in different ways.


Potential progress

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5 or more
Goal based on on your motivation scan

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During this course students have possibilities to reflect on and learn current phenomenon on disability participations. Course offers different interpretations how society can see disabilities in different models. One current topic is for instance how covid19 has negatively impacted the everyday life of disabled people in the context of physical and digital environments. The course offers tips and hints about what to consider for example meetings in physical environments or online meetings related to accessibility.  

During the course students have chances to reflect and learn on the everyday life experiences of disabled people.

Hosting university

Tampere University

Tampere University