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Green Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen

Learn about the production, transportation, storage and use of green hydrogen.
Open for application
Only 97 seats left!

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Green hydrogen is a key element for a sustainable energy supply. This course deals with the role of green hydrogen as a sustainable energy carrier of the future. You will discover how hydrogen can be produced, stored, transported and used and why green hydrogen is so important for the complete transformation of the energy supply to renewable, greenhouse gas-neutral energy sources. The teaching materials consist of explanatory texts, graphics and illustrations and recordings of topic-specific expert lectures, which were created as part of a webinar series in spring 2021. Since it take you less then 10 h to go throught the materials and there is no assessemnt of your learning no ECTS and no micro-credential is awarded. Nonetheless we hope you find the micro-module helpful for participating in ECIU Challenges dealing with Green hydrogen or sustainable energy supply.

The Team

Profile photo
Dorothea Ellinger
3 learners
Study format
Application period
20 February 2025 – 12 January 2026
Study period
20 February 2025 – 12 January 2026
Volume of learning

10 Hours

No ECTS will be awarded

Hosting university
Hamburg University of Technology
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Comprehensive overview of the discussion about the use of green hydrogen as an energy carrier.

At the end of the course learner got a comprehensive overview of the background of the discussion about the use of green hydrogen as an energy carrier.


Knowledge regarding the technological basics of green hydrogen and it's production.

At the end of the course the learner will have built up knowledge regarding the technological basics of green hydrogen and it's production.


Understand the connections between hydrogen and renewable energies in future energy systems

By the en of the course learners understand the connections between hydrogen and renewable energies in future, sustainable energy systems.


Potential progress

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Hydrogen is considered a great hope for the successful implementation of the energy transition and the complete shift away from fossil fuels. Politicians, scientists and industry players generally agree that hydrogen can be used in a wide range of applications - and in some cases must be used to achieve ambitious climate protection goals. These considerations focus in particular on green hydrogen, which is produced in a climate-neutral way.

In this fully selfe-paced online course you will get a comprehensive overview of the background of the discussion about the use of green hydrogen as an energy carrier. You can build up knowledge regarding the technological basics and understand the connections between hydrogen and renewable energies in future, sustainable energy systems.

You can go through the single chapters according to your own demands and at your own pace. We recommend reading the module texts first and then watching the topic-specific expert lectures, as their content goes into a little more detail.

The course is recoemmendet for all learners participating in th Challenge "Hydrogen and Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) – Key Factors for Carbon-Free Aviation?"

This course were created in Aug 2021 by Fabian Carels and Lisa Karies, two scientist of Technische Universität Hamburg.

Hosting university

Hamburg University of Technology

Hamburg University of Technology