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Sustainable development

Sustainable development

UN Global Goals and sustainability challenges
Closed for application


This micro-module offers participants an opportunity to work in interdisciplinary groups with sustainability challenges. In today's world, sustainable development is no longer an option, but a necessity. More and more employers demand that you have competence in sustainability to create a better future for all. That's why you should take our sustainable development module that emanates from the UN global goals. Through active learning classrooms and internet-based communication tools (Zoom), groups meet digitally two hours per week with their mentors to learn about Agenda 2030 and work on their challenges. At the end of the micro-module, results are presented via different channels to reach a broader audience.

Study format
Application period
15 June – 25 August 2024
Study period
2 September – 1 December 2024
Hosting university
Linkoping University
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes


Address value conflicts from different perspectives and explore potential solutions within the identified problem area.



Highlight their own and others' values in relation to societal challenges within Agenda 2030.


Knowledge and understanding I

Identify a challenge related to achieving sustainability goals within Agenda 2030 and analyse this issue from temporal, cultural, and geographical perspectives.


Knowledge and understandning II

Provide an overview of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within Agenda 2030 and illustrate relationships between them.


Language skills

Communicate the results of their work on sustainable development in English, both in written and oral form.


Presentation skills

Utilize various presentation techniques to communicate goals related to Agenda 2030.


Different perspectives

Identify different perspectives within an identified problem area based on information from relevant sources.


Research skills

Gather, interpret, and compile information from scientific literature and the surrounding society relevant to a defined problem area within Agenda 2030.


Potential progress

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Less than 5
5 or more
Goal based on on your motivation scan

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Take our motivation scan to find learning opportunities that will help you reach your potential goal and growth.


Course Content

The micro-module is based on the United Nations' 17 sustainability goals within Agenda 2030. Participants will carry out in-depth work within one of the goals and broaden their knowledge in other sustainability goals by becoming familiar with the work of other groups. This micro-module involves working with a sustainability challenge of your choice.

During this micro-module you will be learn how to identify a challenge linked to one of the 17 goals in Agenda 2030 and analyze it from temporal, cultural, and geographical perspectives. You will also be able to obtain, interpret, and compile information from scientific literature and the surrounding society relevant to manage the identified challenge. You will propose a way to wisely handle the challenge based on information from relevant sources. Finally, you will communicate your result in English, both in writing and orally.

Hosting university

Linkoping University

Linkoping University