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Cultural Diversity

Cultural Diversity

The course seeks to facilitate participants to reflect upon intercultural practices in diverse contexts


An increasing international migration, with a growing welfare gap, contributes to new challenges and demands for citizens and social and welfare workers more specifically. A transnational framework captures the cultural diversity in a globalized world. This course emphasizes cultural diversity within welfare systems and intercultural practices, by addressing families separated by distance and national borders, which forces them to negotiate and maintain family relations with multiple societies across borders. The course provides insight into transnationalism, migration and return migration.

Study format
Application period
26 February – 7 June 2024
Study period
22 August – 17 September 2024
Hosting university
University of Stavanger
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes


After completing the course, the students shall • Have advanced knowledge on intercultural practices in diverse contexts • Have an increased understanding of cultural diversity and transnationalism



After completing the course, the students shall be able to • Identify complexities within cultural diversity • Develop communication skills through the international classroom experience


Competence 1

After completing the course, the students shall be able to • Participate in a dialogue to improve awareness of and respect for cultural diversity


Competence 2

Development of reflective processes on how personal beliefs, values and knowledge influences welfare practices


Potential progress

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Cultural Diversity

An increasing international migration, with a growing welfare gap, contributes to new challenges and demands for citizens and social and welfare workers more specifically. A transnational framework captures the cultural diversity in a globalized world. This course emphasizes cultural diversity within welfare systems and intercultural practices, by addressing families separated by distance and national borders, which forces them to negotiate and maintain family relations with multiple societies across borders. The course provides insight into transnationalism, migration and return migration.

Hosting university

University of Stavanger

University of Stavanger