The aim of this module is to get students working on the themes of Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities) through an interdisciplinary approach combining Science & Technology and Human and Social Sciences, using the Challenge Based Learning format developed by ECIUn+
At the end of this module, the student will have understood and be able to explain (main concepts):
- The main principle of SDG 11 is about making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
- The added value of working in and leading a multidisciplinary and multicultural team.
- Learners will influence the learning outcomes they achieve by setting their own learning objectives and forming their own challenges. In addition to learners’ individual learning outcomes, we have listed certain learning outcomes that will be common to all of those who complete the course by applying team learning methods and the design thinking process.
Two major pre-information to be taken into account:
- Applicants should know that this challenge is 3 ECTS
- Kick-off and first meeting are ONLINE but campus visit and meetings are ON-SITE in Toulouse, France (W 13, May 27th-31st 2024). On-site is optional but will award 2 extra ECTS (3 ECTS for online part + 2 ECTS for on-site participation)
The content of the module is divided into three parts:
- Methodological lessons - weeks 1 to 3
- A 10-week Challenge
- A final presentation and personal report on the learning experience (CBL approach)
The three elements are described below:
1) Method package: Week1 (W1) – W3
- Design thinking & Challenge Thinking
- Pitching, innovation
- Intercultural competences
- Interdisciplinary approaches
2) Challenge: W2 – W11:
- Brainstorming on ideas for challenges
- Finding teams with common interest for a challenge and different Foursight profiles
- Write an essay with your motivation for the challenge (250 words)
- Apply for a challenge or define a challenge
- Engage in the challenge as a team through Design Thinking methods
- Define the main users of your potential answer to your challenge
- Investigate the possible outcomes of the challenge based on the user's needs
- Choose a proposal as an answer to your challenge
- Define in detail your proposal for a more sustainable city
Open Week (facultative): Hosting ECIU students for discussion on-site at INSA Toulouse, industrial visit, on-site visit, workshops on CBL and sustainable cities with experts
**3) Oral exam: W12:**Presentation of the challenge, the final proposal to solve the challenge and the different steps which have led to the proposal
**Pedagogy:**face-to-face, hybrid, distance learning for the method package, and hybrid for the challenge approach